Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Bouncing off the walls

The past few weeks have been really stressful. Between the pain flareups and the corresponding drug mess, moving, being ill, and being busy at work, I've felt overwhelmed at times. Today in fact, I got a ton of stuff dumped on my plate and was a bit stretched.

However, the night got a lot better. One of the documents that came across my desk was a document from the #2 guy in my company. He made a point of sending me a note of praise for the work I did and CC'ed it to my boss. Then, I had my "performance review" as a spur of the moment phone call. Turns out it wasn't a performance review at all, but the president of my company calling to tell me that my boss and co-workers had spoken very highly of me, and he informed me that I'm getting a cash bonus (2% of my salary) and a 15% raise. Not too bad for 4 months on the job! He said I should see the raise on Friday's paycheck.

Plus, I'll be able to negotiate my salary upwards as I continue to take on more responsibilities within the company and continue to get promotions, but for right now, I couldn't be happier.

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